Sky High Efficiency: Elevating Aviation Support Supervision with Super Supervisor 

From Paper to Cloud: Revolutionising Aviation Support Operations with Jade Digital's Custom Solution

As a global leader of to the aviation support services industry, ISS’ Aviation & Transport division recognises the importance of creating the best passenger experience. With over 485,000 employees in over 46 countries, ISS’ Aviation & Transport division has over 200 million square feet of facility space and services over 200,000 customers.   

Despite their massive reach and influence, the division faced a major challenge – they were heavily reliant on outdated paper processes that not only hindered productivity but also risked compromising the high standards they aimed to uphold for their valued customers. Managing thousands of staff across diverse roles and expansive facilities, the division realised that embracing digital transformation was critical to jettison paper-based inefficiencies and soar to new heights of operational excellence.

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Managing thousands of staff across multiple roles and expansive facilities, Supervisors were highlighted as a key role in realising operational efficiencies.   

Jade Digital moved immediately into an intensive discovery process.   This up-front discovery work enabled us to fully understand the complexities of a supervisor’s role, through observations, staff insights, process and pain-point mapping. From here, we created a brief for the ultimate fit-for-purpose solution:  

  • Increase accuracy of data capture 
  • Increase supervisors' availability to assist other staff 
  • Increase supervisor ‘heads up’ time 
  • integrate with internal data sources 
  • Reduce paper use 

From this brief we set about creating an MVP. This was an iPad app made in Xamarin, enabling an immediate create and capture of commonly accessed files and templates. The app went to a middle tier where lots of internal data points came together including staff rosters, airport flight data, learning modules and staff qualifications. It also integrated with the divisions’ existing Azure AD login for seamless security. 

The final app – Super Supervisor - was confirmed through user testing. All files and data could now be accounted for in near real time, without the need for supervisors to carry paper copies or make in-person submissions/checks.  Integrated data has also meant supervisors can ensure enough staff are onsite and enough screening points are open at peak times and in the case of emergencies find/redirect staff.  

In just a few taps, supervisors can now promptly complete the bulk of their tasks, enabling better operational decisions. The time spent by being in person, managing files and checking schedules, can now be directed into the development of staff and enhanced security capabilities. 


“The solution that Jade helped us initially deliver was the product of an insight-led approach.
What we landed was an MVP that really fits the bill.” 

Ewan Addison GM for Aviation Security, ISS Aviation & Transport division
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